Sunday, January 4, 2015

Packing the Bags

Well, nothing like waiting till the night before you leave to pack your bags for an 18 month adventure!!!!!  Needless to say Schyler and I were up till the wee hours of the night or morning whichever way you want to look at it.  BUT, we got it all into three suitcases......A miracle.  Imagine packing a gal for subzero weather - scarves, glove liners, mittens, beanies, wools socks, wool tights, wool leggins, insulated/waterproof dress boots - not to mention all the other lovely shoes of which were not "granny shoes".  Then there is the 11 skirts, shirts and cardigans and 4 heavty warm sweaters, a puffy super duper insultated/waterproof dress coat,  a dressy raincoat, umbrella's, blow dryer, hair STUFF, 18 month supply of Vit D3 and any other possible meds for colds, upset stomachs and you name it - BUT 18 months worth stuffed in those bags......Ya get the idea?!!!!!!  Then there were the fancy shoe insert that needed trimming...thanks Dad for the Help on that one. And somehow she is suppose to fit another 8 lbs of missionary (MTC) study material into those bags.  W0W!!!Good luck with that one Schy.  We had loads of fun !!!!

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