Monday, February 23, 2015

A little bleep from Mom

Along with Schyler's blog letter she sends me an additional letter as well, so I thought I would share a few things she said to me.

From Schyler...."  I am so glad I am here and I made the decision to come on my mission.  18 months is really not long at all...time is flying by already......I am thankful for the closeness that I have with my Savior and Heavenly Father.  Somedays I think I have figured out why missionaries don't want to come home.  There is something about being on a mission at this time in your life and when you truly try to forget about everything else and focus on the glory of the Lord it changes you.  The easiest environment to do that in is as a missionary.  I would imagine that when we go home and try to get back into the swing of normal life the focus becomes more about our ways and our life - when really it should be on the Lord's way and the lifestyle he would choose for us.  It's hard to explain unless you've experienced it, but it has changed my whole perspective on life.  Needless to say, Mom, I am HAPPY and I want you to know that."  

I am so excited for the rest of Schyler's mission.  Great things happen to your kids as they serve in this capacity.  It's been a blessing and the greatest experience as a parent.  

Missions Are Forever

So, this week was really crazy.  Tomorrow we get out flight plans and it is seriously like Christmas Eve !!! I am so excited to finally be going to Finland. As well as nervous for sure.  I never thought I'd be able to say this, but I will miss the shelter of the MTC - being constantly surrounded with missionaries, singing with 1300 other missionaries "called to serve" in devotionals, my amazing teachers and just everything!!!! I have learned so much here and will be forever grateful for the experiences I have had.
Today I just want to share some of what I learned in a movie we watched. It came from a talk by Elder Holland from a 2006 devotional here at the MTC.  He talked about how if we truly serve the way we should our missions should last our whole lives! If we do what we have been called to do with all our heart, might, mind and strength - we will come home different and our lives will never be the same.  If we serve fully, we will never be normal again. LOL!!!!  He really pointed out how important it was not to waste any part of our missions.  To make everything count even the worst days!  I really am going to try harder to commit everything to the LORD and do my very best!!!!
I am short on time as usual, but know I love you all and miss you dearly. I know it will be over before I know it, so I am going to make the most of everything.  I love you all.  Have the best day ever!!!!
Sisar Jordan

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Nearer My God To Thee"

February 12, 2015
I am learning so much!  Missions are amazing and I am not even out of the MTC yet!!! This week went by kind of in a blurr. But, I did have a momentary breakdown which reminded me that I need to trust and have faith. Yet again Heavenly Father reminded me that he is aware of how I am feeling and he cares.  On Tuesday I was having such a rough day.  That night I got to sing again in the choir for our MTC devotional.  During our practice, Brother Eggett (the choir director) talked about                the song we were singing: Nearer My God to Thee.  He talked about how we are like God's silver.  When silver is molded into something, it can't be heated too hot, but as well had to be heated up enough.  It is so specific - the timing and this process has to be carefully watched.  Our trials are like the refiners fire.  God knows exactly how long he must let us struggle even when he feels like it is too much!  This made me I trust in God enough to let him leave me in the fire long enough to allow me to become more perfect?  Do I trust in his timing?  Do I know that even when I may feel I can't bear it in any longer ....or feel he isn't watching over me......that in fact he really is watching every minute and knows perfectly when to take me out?  God is refining me!!! Sometimes he will let us struggle long enough to learn and grow and come unto him and be humbled.  God knows all!  His timing is perfect. And I am going to try harder to trust that and not be afraid.
I am so grateful to be here right now.  I am thankful for all the support and love that has been shown to me.  I love my Heavenly Father and his son, my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know he lives and loves us.  He is by our side everyday!  I am so grateful for the gospel!  I say this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, February 9, 2015


     This week my heart has been so full for all that the Lord has blessed me with.  I have an amazing family with parents who taught me well and raised me in a home that was surrounded with the gospel.  I have had so many amazing people come in and even out of my life who have influenced me in the greatest ways.  I was blessed with a healthy body that allowed me to play sports and be successful at them. I was blessed with fingers that were able to play the piano and violin.  A brain that was able to learn and retain knowledge.  I was blessed with the gospel and the knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and created a plan for me to learn and grow and return to live with him again.  I have a Personal Savior, my brother Jesus Christ who lived a perfect mortal life, atoned for my sins and died on the cross and was resurrected again so that this plan was possible. I can be forgiven of my sins and feel comfort, peace and strength during the most trying times of my life.  There are so many other things I have been blessed with, these are only a few, but I truly have been given so much!  I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to give only 18 months of my life completely to serving the Lord and show him how grateful I am for all that he has blessed me with.  It's so great! MISSIONS are truly amazing!!!!
      So, I wanted to share something that I learned this week.  In mission conference Sunday, we had an awesome talk.  This is what I learned -  what must come first is obedience.  Obedience to all of God's commandments and the things he asks us to do.  When we do this, we develop faith and show him we do have faith - that all things are and will be okay.  When we truly have faith, then come the blessings or miracles.  But too often many of us stop here.  The true test is what we do after we have experienced these miracles and blessings - do we turn to God and thank him?  After all he is the reason these things happen.  When we truly do this the cycle just continues and continues and we grow closer to him.  The speaker said something that really touched me - "Those who have personally experienced and understand the Atonement in their lives have learned to forget what they gave and instead remember everything they have received and are grateful for!"
     It was such an awesome talk!  I hope this will help you all in some way to recognize and be grateful for a tender mercy in your life.  The Lord is amazing and he is involved in every aspect of our lives and loves us all so much.  I love all that I am learning here.  I can't wait to share the joy I feel with others. I love you all so much and I am so grateful for everyone!  Have a fantastic week!
Sisar Schyler Jordan

Thursday, February 5, 2015

#5 P-day 2/5/15

Here are the latest pictures from Schyler
Schyler and her two companions serving in Finland
along with the other tripanionship of sisters going to Estonia......
Look at that... each tripanionship has a blonde, brunette and a red head !!!! LOL !!

Silly moment.....come on...where's all the goofy faces and we love yours Schyler!!!
This is Schyler's district - These six will fly to Finland together along with
the other district of 6.  12 total going to Finland March 2nd

Embarrassing!!!! Thank you to my companions!!!!
Ma, Sisar Egan ja puolet seuraavassa transferissa Suomeen tulevista lahkareista. Koitan saada kuvan viela muidenkin Suomeen tulevian kanssa. Moikkaillaan aina kaytavilla ja he on kyselly multa paljon Suomesta.
Finnish Class MTC !!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Only 4......more weeks 1/29/15

Well, nothing too exciting this week! We received 24 new missionaries to our Branch on Wednesday.  It will be fun to get to know them all! We had some really awesome devotionals this week with two members of the 70's who spoke to us.  Yet again I took lots of notes about how to completely serve the Lord.  Its crazy it has been a month already and it made me think WOW! this really might go by super fast and I want to make the very most of that time.  I only have 18 months to serve this same way. A mission is different than anything else in your life.  It is super hard, but so rewarding and worth every hard moment.  I haven't even made it to the field yet and I can't wait.  Hate to say this but I might actually miss this place when I leave.  Does it mean I would want to come back?  No, probably not - HA! HA! BUT I have learned and grown so much here.

There is not a whole lot in this week's letter, but I will leave you with two words of advice : 1) Use your time wisely.  Time is so precious.  Every second, every minute, every hour every day is important.  Don't waist time you'll never get back by being angry, upset or frustrated.  2) For all of you who may read this and are thinking about serving a mission or already have your call.....decide right now to set aside everything and serve with "all your heart, might, mind and strength."  It isn't worth all the things you leave behind and time spent if you don't completely serve the Lord with all that you can!  I am continuing to improve on this every day as well.  You are all so awesome!  I love you so much!  Have an amazing week! Stay Green!  (anyone know what that means?)

Sisar Jordan

Schyler's leave date is tentatively March 2nd and all 12 elders/sisters in the two Finish districts will leave together for Finland.  What an exciting time for them.