This week my heart has been so full for all that the Lord has blessed me with. I have an amazing family with parents who taught me well and raised me in a home that was surrounded with the gospel. I have had so many amazing people come in and even out of my life who have influenced me in the greatest ways. I was blessed with a healthy body that allowed me to play sports and be successful at them. I was blessed with fingers that were able to play the piano and violin. A brain that was able to learn and retain knowledge. I was blessed with the gospel and the knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and created a plan for me to learn and grow and return to live with him again. I have a Personal Savior, my brother Jesus Christ who lived a perfect mortal life, atoned for my sins and died on the cross and was resurrected again so that this plan was possible. I can be forgiven of my sins and feel comfort, peace and strength during the most trying times of my life. There are so many other things I have been blessed with, these are only a few, but I truly have been given so much! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to give only 18 months of my life completely to serving the Lord and show him how grateful I am for all that he has blessed me with. It's so great! MISSIONS are truly amazing!!!!
So, I wanted to share something that I learned this week. In mission conference Sunday, we had an awesome talk. This is what I learned - what must come first is obedience. Obedience to all of God's commandments and the things he asks us to do. When we do this, we develop faith and show him we do have faith - that all things are and will be okay. When we truly have faith, then come the blessings or miracles. But too often many of us stop here. The true test is what we do after we have experienced these miracles and blessings - do we turn to God and thank him? After all he is the reason these things happen. When we truly do this the cycle just continues and continues and we grow closer to him. The speaker said something that really touched me - "Those who have personally experienced and understand the Atonement in their lives have learned to forget what they gave and instead remember everything they have received and are grateful for!"
It was such an awesome talk! I hope this will help you all in some way to recognize and be grateful for a tender mercy in your life. The Lord is amazing and he is involved in every aspect of our lives and loves us all so much. I love all that I am learning here. I can't wait to share the joy I feel with others. I love you all so much and I am so grateful for everyone! Have a fantastic week!
Sisar Schyler Jordan
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