February 12, 2015
I am learning so much! Missions are amazing and I am not even out of the MTC yet!!! This week went by kind of in a blurr. But, I did have a momentary breakdown which reminded me that I need to trust and have faith. Yet again Heavenly Father reminded me that he is aware of how I am feeling and he cares. On Tuesday I was having such a rough day. That night I got to sing again in the choir for our MTC devotional. During our practice, Brother Eggett (the choir director) talked about the song we were singing: Nearer My God to Thee. He talked about how we are like God's silver. When silver is molded into something, it can't be heated too hot, but as well had to be heated up enough. It is so specific - the timing and this process has to be carefully watched. Our trials are like the refiners fire. God knows exactly how long he must let us struggle even when he feels like it is too much! This made me think....do I trust in God enough to let him leave me in the fire long enough to allow me to become more perfect? Do I trust in his timing? Do I know that even when I may feel I can't bear it in any longer ....or feel he isn't watching over me......that in fact he really is watching every minute and knows perfectly when to take me out? God is refining me!!! Sometimes he will let us struggle long enough to learn and grow and come unto him and be humbled. God knows all! His timing is perfect. And I am going to try harder to trust that and not be afraid.
I am so grateful to be here right now. I am thankful for all the support and love that has been shown to me. I love my Heavenly Father and his son, my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know he lives and loves us. He is by our side everyday! I am so grateful for the gospel! I say this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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